Sunday, June 27, 2010
The kiddos are growing up!!!
brought to you by: the letter "J" at 7:28 PM 0 other opinions
Saturday, June 5, 2010
One YEAR oLDer and WiseR tOo!!
brought to you by: the letter "J" at 6:54 AM 1 other opinions
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Teacher gifts...
brought to you by: the letter "J" at 10:42 AM 9 other opinions
Confessions of a DORK!!
So I guess sometime last year when I was blogging more faithfully I changed my comments to have to be approved by me before publishing (don't remember doing that, but I guess i did.). So I kinda stopped blogging because I didn't think anyone was even checking it anymore since I never saw comments on my posts...sniff, sniff. So today I decided to blog, and discovered there were almost 60 comments awaiting approval for publishing from over the year, some from March of 2009! YOU ALL DO LOVE ME :o) So alas I will start blogging more religiously...I hate to disappoint!
brought to you by: the letter "J" at 10:41 AM 0 other opinions