Thursday, November 8, 2007

Oh what clever kids!

You can teach an old Tooth Fairy new tricks!

So Lorenzo comes in the family room Wednesday evening smiling. He told us that he was going to play a trick on the Tooth Fairy. He said that he put a penny under his pillow to see what the Tooth Fairy would do. "Lightbulb moment!" When I was sixteen I had some teeth pulled and for some morbid reason I have held on to these teeth. When Lorenzo was asleep I took the penny and put the tooth in it's place! He was so shocked the next morning and begged me to let him take it to school. Claire thought his "bone" was so "cool" too.

When Lorenzo came home from school he put the tooth under his pillow to return it to the Tooth Fairy. I asked him if he thought she would give him his penny back. He said he hoped she gave him a toy like she gave this kid at school. I told him she was too tiny to carry toys, but he insisted she had a wand and could zap a toy. "Lightbulb moment!" Jason had requested a free lego helicopter toy from some free website and we hadn't given it to Lorenzo yet and I could give him that. Seeing that Lorenzo would see this experience very profitable and would likely repeat it, I typed up a note letting him know the Tooth Fairy was too busy to come to his home again unless he lost a real tooth and put it under his pillow along with the helicopter. I put some stickers under Claire's pillow so she wasn't left out. They thought the whole thing was awesome!!

Way to go Tooth Fairy!!

Lorenzo never ceases to bring a smile to my face...most of the time!

Wednesday night we went to our very first parent/teacher conference! Lorenzo is doing really well in all his subjects, but is having a tinsy bit of touble listening to the teacher...I feel her pain! :o) She said he is a joy to have in class, he cracks her up...big surprise, and adds a lot to the class. She then told me that when Lorenzo is waiting after school for me to pick him up, he always tells her that he is waiting for his "taxi" to pick him up. She said she asked him if it was that big blue taxi and he said it was. I guess I need one of those "Mom's taxi service" bumper stickers!

We got Lorenzo's school pictures back, his teacher said she had to peek at them and they made her smile because they were "Sooo Lorenzo" ultra cheesy!! Unfortunately they sent us the wrong package and we have to request the missing photos, bug!!

Roadtrippen to Draper and the IKEA adventures:

I have been on the hunt for a cute little table and chair set for Claire to go with her kitchen she is getting for Christmas. I found a cute little pink table on but would still need chairs. After talking with my dad about making some chairs to match I decided it wouldn't be any cheaper than buying a set. So I took the to and seriously found the perfect Disney Princess table w/2 chairs for $20.00 out in Draper. I called the lady and made arrangements to pick them up Tuesday afternoon. We got out to her place and the table and chairs were in awesome condition and she had a perfect condition Disney Princess sleeping bag that I got for $7.00! As we left her place I realized that I had to go to the bathroom PRONTO and decided to make a pitstop at IKEA. I swear that IKEA needs a sign on the door warning not to enter if you do not have atleast 1 1/2 hour to spend, that is how long it took us to roam the store, it is so big that it actually has arrows on the floor to help you find the EXIT.

We had dinner at my mom's and dad's, yummy hamburgers with ALL the fixins. Mom and Dad let us take a huge portion of their butternut squash about 15 or so! I LOVE squash. When it was time to go, Claire threw herself on the ground and played dead, complete with eyes closed and tongue haning out, we all busted up laughing, what a character! When we left Lorenzo said that he wanted to drive home with Dad, Jason met us at Mom's and Dad's after work. Claire then decided that she wanted to go with Dad too, I was totally okay with the prospect of a quiet drive home, but then sweet little Lorenzo decided that he did not want me to drive home alone and insisted to come with me. My little tender heart! :o)

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