Friday, October 31, 2008

4 months and counting

Miss Delia Grace turned 4 months yesterday. I CAN NOT believe how fast time has flown by since she was born. I must use the proverbal saying that I truly can not remember nor imagine life with out her. She is such a doll, an amazingly wonderful baby. She sleeps through the night, eats great and is so happy and fun!!! Finally I was given an "inocent by stander" rather than ANOTHER drama king/queen, I just pray I don't have to eat my words in the future!! She went in today for her 4 month well check and shots...Happy Halloween to Delia! She did great, she weighs 15 lbs and is 24 1/2" long. What a big girl she is!! We will be starting her on gourmet rice cereal in the next few days, YUM-O!!

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